Hasta el momento he dedicado mis esfuerzos a pintar elementos de miniaturas para jugar, dejando de lado tanto la escenografía como los marcadores o bagajes de los distintos ejércitos.
Aprovechando que en estos meses tengo poco tiempo para pintar, me he decidido a preparar escenografía, marcadores y acabar proyectos pendientes antes de comenzar a prepara ejércitos nuevos.
Hace unas semanas publiqué una entrada sobre la fabricación de una estacada, empleable en múltiples juegos.
Aprovecho ahora para describir como basear árboles comerciales, para conjuntarlos con los elementos pintados y permitir transportarlos y emplearlos con facilidad.
Until this moment I've dedicated all my efforts to paint miniature elements, keeping aside scenery elements, counters or baggages from the different armies.
Taking advantage of theis months in which I have little time to paint, I've decided to prepare scene., markers and finish pending projects before starting to prepare new armies.
Some weeks ago I published an entry on manufacturing stakes, useable in multiple games.
I take advantege now to describe how to base commercial trees, to make them similar to the already paintes elements and allow them to be transported and used easily.
En primer lugar, cortamos una porción de imán plástico de dimensiones mayores que la copa del árbol. Esto nos dará estabilidad y nos permitirá transportarlo en una plancha metálica:Taking advantage of theis months in which I have little time to paint, I've decided to prepare scene., markers and finish pending projects before starting to prepare new armies.
Some weeks ago I published an entry on manufacturing stakes, useable in multiple games.
I take advantege now to describe how to base commercial trees, to make them similar to the already paintes elements and allow them to be transported and used easily.
First of all, we cut a piece of plastic magnet of greater size that the tree top. This will give us stability and allow us the transport in a metallic sheet:
Then we take some coffee sticks and cut them at a suitable size. This material will give us rigitity, while it's quite light:
Pegamos los trozos de cucharilla con cianocrilato de esta forma:
We glue the coffee sticks with cyanocrylate like this:
Entonces pegamos el árbol con cianocrilato encima:
Then we glue the tree on top with cyanocrylate:
Y pintamos la base con "Sombra tostada" de Vallejo:
And we paint the base with Vallejos's "Burnt Umber":
And we paint the base with Vallejos's "Burnt Umber":
Una vez seca, aplicamos cola blanca disuelta en agua y lo sumergimos en césped de modelismo:
Once dry, we apply PVA glue mixed with water and submerge the base in modelling grass:
Once dry, we apply PVA glue mixed with water and submerge the base in modelling grass:
Asi queda:
This is the result:
This is the result:
Se vuelve a aplicar cola blanca disuelta en agua y lo sumergimos en arena de modelismo (o de gato, que viene a ser lo mismo):
Then we apply again PVA glue mixed with water and submerge the base in modelling sand (or cat sand, which is very similar):
Then we apply again PVA glue mixed with water and submerge the base in modelling sand (or cat sand, which is very similar):
Y este es el resultado final: un árbol a juego con las miniaturas, ligero, difícil de volcar y capaz de adherirse a superficies metálicas para transportarlo:
And this is the final result: a tree based similar to the miniatures, difficult to fall and able to adhere to metallic surfaces to transport:
And this is the final result: a tree based similar to the miniatures, difficult to fall and able to adhere to metallic surfaces to transport:
¿Qué más se puede pedir?What else can you ask for?